Homs – Al Waer

On the way to al-Waer, a soldier passing by the trainstation of Homs, the train station is still used for transportation of goods Foto: Sonja van den Ende, June 2019

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After driving through the various neighborhoods in Homs, with our great host of the day Mohamad Rahmoun, he wanted to shows us al-Waer, the neighborhood were he once lived, before the destruction by the Western sponsored terrorists, he still owned a house there, which is now in decay, because not a lot of Syrians would like to live there again.


Al-Waer, was a newly built middle class mixed neighborhood on the outskirts of Homs city and was relatively safe in the first half of the conflict. It housed many state employees and officers who were having apartments there.

Al-Waer is next to two small ( inhabited by Shia, Alawites, Christians and Secular) neighborhoods called Mazra and Ragaa. From early on, the conflict raged between Old Waer and the two neighborhoods. Demonstrations were held regularly at Old Waer’s fire station by its tribal residents, joined and stirred-up by the so-called “rebels”, who were already armed from prior to the conflict, armed by Western countries and assisted by Al-Queda, who came from Libyia to fight the Syrian government and people. CNN, Al-Jazeera, BBC and other MSM media outlets were quickly to condem Assad and the Syrian people of killing these so-called rebels.

Al-Waer, a childrens playground, lost in time, picture: Claudius Lucassen, June 2019

They, the so-called rebels clashed with security forces and neighboring two area’s, who were, by the time the SAA stepped-in, also armed. But the government managed to lower tensions by negotiating a ceasefire in al-Waer in 2012, as other areas of Homs were on fire. Following the battles of Bab Amr, when terrorists took over Old Homs. Nowadays hundreds of displaced Sunnis found sanctuary in Waer, not only Sunnis, among them are for sure “foreign” rebels, who stayed and made a new “enclave – life” for themselves. If you drive through al-Wear, you see veiled women (Niqab, Burka) and men with long beards. To take a picture of them is too much of a risk, maby next time…The appartment buildings are desolate, the only thing they rebuild is the mosque (with help of various religious organizations abroad). Mohammed tolled us that, during the conflict, their mosques were the storage facilities for weapons. Send to them from various countries in the West/USA and Israel.

Homs al-Waer, the Mosque, partly rebuilded, a storage facility for weapons from all over the world. Picture Claudius Lucassen June 2019

Within two years, as the violence from the so-called rebels and the government intensified, part of the Sunni population of al-Waer began to collaborate (usually forced collaboration) with the rebels, then a lot of terrorists poured in, from various countries of Europe. By 2015, the government had lost control of the town, making it a semi-autonomous bastion of al-Queda and other DAESH (ISIS) related groupes.

In 2017, the government got control back of al-Waer and according to various sources 300 terrorists and 1,065 civilians, had left al-Waer (the first batch) to be transported to IDLIB. After that another, in total, 1,500-2,000 terrorist were transferred to Jerablus, located in the eastern parts of Aleppo. By now they are dead or in IDLIB. According to the agreement, concluded by the Syrian Army and militant/terrorist groups, they were either send away or being killed.

Hundreds of Terrorists Leave Homs' al-Waer Area (Photos)
Terrorist leaving al-Waer to be brought, to Jerablus (now IDLIB). Russian police present. Picture Twitter / sayed_ridha
Hundreds of Terrorists Leave Homs' al-Waer Area (Photos)
Russian soldier at the busses, with the terrorists to be transported.
Picture: Twitter / sayed_ridha

In June 2019, when I was there, the place looked empty, a lot of destruction, as I could see from rockets and grenades. The terrorist who didn’t want to surrender were bombed by the SAA. As you could see, on the pictures, the majority of inhabitants, were evacued, when the terrorist were transported to Jerablus or IDLIB.

Hundreds of Terrorists Leave Homs' al-Waer Area (Photos)
So again the “fairytale” Assad killed his own people, is indeed a “fairytale”. Assad bombed the Western sponsored terrorists, who remained in al-Waer and didn’t want to surrender. Picture; civilians leaving al-Waer. March 2017, al-Wear – Homs, Twitter / sayed_ridha

Source: Mohamed Rahmoud, Twitter, Southfront, Pictures: Claudius Lucassen and sayed-Ridha.


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