The Migrants quota and the new European Spring

Afbeeldingsresultaat voor migrant plan from the EU

Picture: Daily mail
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As I wrote before, the migrant-crisis, is a result of wars waged by the US and Western states (EU/NATO) in the Middle-east and Africa. The plan however, for these wars and letting in migrants (I don’t speak about real refugees) is also a set-up plan, by mainly the so-called “left” political block in the EU (Social Democrats mainly), who are sponsored individually and as political party, by the bilionaire George Soros, who is a frequent quest at the EU meetings.

Soros is a well-known supporter of so-called progressive and liberal political causes, to which he dispenses donations through his foundation, the Open Society Foundations. Between 1979 and 2011, he donated more than $11 billion to various philanthropic causes;[by 2017, his donations “on civil initiatives to reduce poverty and increase transparency, and on scholarships and universities around the world” totaled $12 billion. He influenced the collapse of communism in Eastern Europe in the late 1980s and early 1990s, and provided one of Europe’s largest higher education endowments to the Central European University in his Hungarian hometown.   

According to the New York Times and other so-called progressive Newspapers, in the US and Europe promote Soros, saying that conservatives have promoted false claims that characterize Soros as a singularly dangerous “puppetmaster” behind a variety of alleged global plots! Which is to my opinion true and has nothing to do with “left of right, progressive and liberal”. Which the MSM likes to call it. It’s proven that his Open Borders society gives training for so-called “color-revolutions”.

Also there is leaked plan, brought up by the Hungarian government:

Just how long have the pro-migration forces in Brussels been scheming about a migrant quota?

Some claim that the notion of a pro-migration lobby is nonsense, that Brussels came up with the migrant quota for the sake of Member States and in response to the crisis that erupted in 2015. This idea that there are forces at work in the background driving an agenda to enable migration to Europe rather than stop it – this idea, some say, is the stuff of conspiracy theories. If you’re one of those who still believe it’s nonsense, let me show you something interesting.

Back in 2010, the Directorate-General for Home Affairs of the European Commission published a report entitled, “Study on the feasibility of establishing a mechanism for the relocation of beneficiaries of international protection.” It was prepared under something called the European Refugee Fund and includes some truly remarkable considerations and language that will sound familiar. Particulary of interest is chapter 13:

2.1.1 2009 pilot project on relocation from Malta to France The Pilot projects on the relocation of refugees located in Malta were initiated during the French Presidency of the Council in 2008. The reasons for this initiative were as follows:  EU migration policy was a political priority for France which felt the need to pave the way towards more responsibility and solidarity  A need to counterbalance the forced return operations implemented by France  A need for solidarity towards refugees and beneficiaries of subsidiary protection (this implicitly excludes asylum seekers who have not been granted a status yet)  A need for solidarity towards the EU Member States that are facing a disproportionate number of arrivals. According to the French officials, the pilot project was aiming to help ease the disproportionate and exceptional situation in Malta.44 The exceptionality of the situation was emphasised by the interviewees and the relocation mechanism was considered to be part of a global approach and fully-fledged EU migration policy that was promoted as a priority of the French Presidency. Due to high level support for the project, there were almost no domestic political obstacles hindering its implementation. The 2009 pilot project was the first relocation operation of that size in France. The initial plan was to relocate 80 people during 2009, but in total 95 people were relocated under the pilot project. This target was set arbitrarily. The aim was to be high enough to be significant and meaningful, but at the same time not to be too high in order to accommodate increasing immigration pressure and a rising number of direct asylum claims in France. Four refugees and 91 beneficiaries of subsidiary protection were relocated. More specifically, the relocated persons included:  47 single adults  9 single women with children (18 persons in total)  18 children, including two unaccompanied minors  9 families (29 persons in total)  8 persons requiring specific long-term medical care The same target number was set for the 2010 pilot project. France was willing to increase this target in order to support the efforts made by other countries that joined the operation, but was not in a position to do so, due to increasing migration pressure (+16% asylum claims in 2009 compared to 2008) and saturated reception capacities. The relocation operation started in February 2009 and the people left Malta for France in July 2009.

For instance, the purpose of this 144 page-long report is to find a “way in which Member States can show solidarity towards eachother.

The Commission’s report ponders two options for Member States to “show solidarity towards each other”. Under Option 1, “an EU legislative instrument creating a relocation mechanism would be adopted, allocating a quota for each Member State based on the country’s GDP per capita and population density” Source”:

The new European axis

A new block emerged in the EU, the so-called “Axis of European countries against migration”, undoubtely called by the other so-called block: “progressive and liberals” right-wing extremists. Which means a huge majority of the EU population are right-wing extremists? Ringing some bells, with the alleged propaganda towards Russia and Trump. The so-called “left-progressive” are bad loosers and using “cold-war retoric” towards their own (EU) people. So I don’t think that the nearly majority of the European people are right-extremist, this is what the so-called “left-liberals” wants us to believe. So the people of Poland, Hungary, Italy, Austria, Macedonia, Czech Republic, Slowakia, Serbia and part of the population of France, the Netherlands and Germany are all right-extremist or fascist? No way, they are people who are sick and tired of the dictatorial rules of the EU, were the EU citizens have nothing to say or nothing to vote. All they see is a “drunken” President Juncker and his aide Timmermans, who made a transformation from a “social-democrat” to a nearly “fascist – left wing- leader”.

The Yellow vest

“Europsko proljeće” je počelo, ali nije iz poznate kuhinje
“Europsko proljeće” je počelo, ali nije iz poznate kuhinje

The result of all wars waged in the Middle-east, the cost of the military, was presented by the EU governments to their own citizens, in taxes. The huge military costs, because, as it turned out, the US has, under the Obama adminstration, build immense “warehouses” all over Europe, with the biggest one in Iraq. Were weapons are stored to be distributed to their “mercenaries”, like Al-Queda, White Helmets and ISIS. Please, read the following article carefully:

The Secret Logistics of America’s Global Deep State
“It’s as if the US Embassy is there not only to protect American interests, but to manage the entire world from the heart of the capital, Baghdad.”
— Iraqi Sheikh Qassim Al Ta’ee, as quoted on 27 December 2011 in Al Iraq News and translated by Ibrahim Zaidan from the original Arabic by Nicholas Dagher reported by Eric Zuesse

Europe is involved, nearly all member states, knew about it and did nothing, except an increase of tax and taking in “refugees”, who their own “mercenaries like Al-Queda, White Helmets and ISIS” have driven out of for example Iraq and Syria. These refugees, among them many ex-mercenaries of the EU, are now all of a sudden “migrants” and no governemnt, except, the axes of the European spring”, talks about the returning of these refugees to their own countries like Syria, were the war has ended and they can rebuild their own country. They always find an excuse to let them stay. But it was all planned, we know that by now, first the Kalgeri plan, sponsored by George Soros. ,

Since many weeks the European spring has begun in France and it is spreading throughout Europe (western), no Soros plan, but a people’s plan! The people of Europe, who deserve better leaders, leaders for the people and not against them!

The EU spring has begun and will develop.
Published in the whole Balkan.



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