Who is going to stop the Zionists?

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The Zionists leaders united in a so-called march for democracy and freedom, after the killings in Paris in 2015 (Charlie Hebdo and Bataclan). You don’t have to be Jewish to be a Zionist.Picture: Twitter.

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The world is heading towards a “dramatic”stand-off, between the Zionists leaders and the “allies” of Eurasia – axes. Nethanyahu (the Zionist leader of Israel) and Trump (the Zionist leader of the US), have decided to call the Golan Heights a “sovereign” part of Israel, plainly said: steal the land from your neighbour Syria.

According to Alexander Dugan https://www.fort-russ.com/2019/03/dugin-israel-brings-armageddon-closer-trumps-declaration-on-golan-heights-bodes-dangerously/and other scholars/intellectuals/journalist and people who are awake:

The Zionist state of Israel is a scam, a fraud, Zionists ideals used for propaganda of Judaism. As I wrote before Judaism is a religion and Zionism is a political viewpoint, the Zionists will tell you not, but this is how they “frame”the world. Their concern is about the 3rd tempel and expanding of land and wealth. The Golan Height is full of water and oil, so wealth, the US company called Genie Oil, is already drilling for oil, since they started the (ISIS) war with Syria. Genie oil is owned by the Deep-state, meaning: Rockefeller, Rothshild, the whole management contains of Zionists and Dick Cheney, the neo-Zionist under Bush Jr., who orchestrated the destruction of Libya and Iraq.


Afbeeldingsresultaat voor the third temple of the jews

The Zionists are working towards the resurrection of the 3rd tempel, by destroying the Al-Aqsa Mosque, since many years they are working underneath the Al-Aqsa, under the pretext of finding archeological tunnels, eventually the whole complex will implode and ready for the tempel. After that, how weird it will sound to many of you, they will bring the “false”Messiah. Picture:

Afbeeldingsresultaat voor alexander DUgin on zionism
Aleksandr Dugin at the International Conference “New Horizon” in May 2018 in Mashhad, Iran, together with Rabbi Weiss.

“The current state of Israel is a simulacrum (scam). This is an anti-Semitic, anti-Jewish proclamation in all senses of these concepts”, Dugin is sure. “If you look at it from within Judaism – this is a parody. As part of the Jewish eschatological (describing the End of the World, – Approx. FAN) models its mission is purely fake. The fact is that in Judaism, in Jewish history the return of the Jews to the Promised Land should occur at the time of the arrival of the Moshiach (Messiah, – Approx. FAN). Until the Moshiach comes, they have no religious right to return there. The State of Israel is a barrier to the Moshiach. Either the Moshiach or Israel. ” (Quate Fort Russ -Dugin).

This is the big “fraude”in the so-called Western world, even the Christians (mainly the Lutheran, reformed or other sects) fell for this ideology, they consider Israel the “Holy-land” and are part of the Zionist and therefore be called “Zionist-Christians”.

But the leader (s) of Israel pretend (s) to be religous, their aim is power and a “greater Israel”, the Yinon Plan is now in working, as we can see, they steel the Golan Heights, a new war on Gaza and their next aim is the annexation of the West bank.

Interview with Rabbi Yisroel Dovid Weiss, a Jew against Zionism and Israel a message to the DUTCH government and Europe, Beirout during the conference on the Global Campaign of the Return of Palestine -2018, picture Sonja van den Ende

The Statement of Neturei Karta International Jews Against Zionism, the head Rabbi Yisroel Dovid Weiss
The Authentic Torah View of the State of Israel in General and of Jerusalem as its Capital.
Authentic Jewry never recognized the EXISTENCE OF THE STATE OF ISRAEL, let alone Jerusalem as its capital, Rabbi Yisroel Dovid Weiss expressed in the interview, this is what he had to say:
Zionism, the movement that created the State of Israel, is the complete opposite of traditional Jewish belief. Judaism is subservience to the Almighty, while Zionism is a total transformation into nationalism, Ever since the destruction of the Jewish Temple, 2000 years ago, Jews have been in exile by Divine degree and are forbidden to establish a sovereign state of their own, or ta wage war against any nation; they are certainly forbidden to kill others or take the land of another people. The occupation of Palestine, the murder and expulsion of its people, and the oppression of those remaining are in total violation of the Jewish religion and traditional Jewish values.
Rabbis worldwide spoke out unanimously against the Zionist movement from its very inception. The leading rabbis of Palestine stood in the forefront of this Jewish religious battle against Zionism.
In July 1947, when the United Nations was considering the Partition Plan, the Chief Rabbi of Jerusalem, Rabbi Yosef Zvi Dushinsky, testified before the UN’s committee: “We wish to express our definite opposition to a Jewish state in any part of Palestine.”Several months later, on November 18, 1947 when he realized the UN was proceeding with a recommendation for a Jewish state, he sent a telegram: “Our community demands that Jerusalem be an international zone, under your protection, with full autonomy, and its residents be  free citizens of the international zone of Jerusalem”. The UN honored this request.
The Zionist, however, ignored the United Nations on this point and proceeded to conquer and occupy Jerusalem. For the past 70 years, however, the Zionist occupation and “annexation” of Jerusalem has not been recognized by the world community. We as believers in the Torah, do not recognize the legality of the entire State of Israel, and we certainly don’t recognize its sovereignty over the Holy City.
The Zionist occupation of Palestine in 1948 brought devastation and suffering to both Arabs and Jews, who had until then lived together in peace and harmony. The expansion if this occupation in 1967, and the establishment of the settlements is an increased rebellion against God’s Toray, and has escalated the hatred and bloodshed in the region.
In addition, the anti-Zionist Orthodox Jews for decades have been terribly oppressed, beaten and arrested by the Zionist regime. The most recent of which is their campaign to forcibly draft all of our community into their army and brutally suppress all voices of opposition.
In addition to our sorrow at President Trump’s recognition of the Holy City of Jerusalem as the capital of an illegitimate state, we tremble at the thought of the possible consequences of such recognition.
Therefore, we declare: The State of Israel is NOT A JEWISH STATE, it does not represent world JEWRY; masses of Jews worldwide are in total opposition of the existence of this State, all that it stands for, and all actions emanating from it. Authentic Jews, following the traditional Jewish religion, do not have any demand for sovereignty over any part of the Holy Land – including Jerusalem.
We understand that President Trump meant well, and his intent was to show his support for Jews. But helping the State of Israel is not helping Jews; on the contrary, the State of Israel is a violation of the Jewish religion and creates a danger to Jews everywhere.


The interview: https://freesuriyah.eu/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/record20180313142100.3gpp

The big question is now who is going to stop this madness? These wars, in the Middle-east, all part of the plan of greater Israel, to wipe out the Arab population, as we can see on a daily basis. For sure not the US, they are part of the Zionist, the US is ruled by Zionist, Democrats or Republicans makes no difference, the true leaders are AIPAC and therefore, the deep-state.


The leaders of the EU? No way, they are allied with the US and therefore, with the Zionists. Yes some of the member states will condem it, but that’s about it. No real help or solutions will come. The EU is divided, polarised and coming to an end, soon, so nothing to be expected here.

Vladimir Putin: “There’s the tendency of lowering the threshold of application. There’s an idea of creating low-yield nuclear weapons not for applications on a global scale, but a tactical scale. Some experts in the West even express such a thought that there’s nothing terrible in using such weapons. The lowering of the threshold may lead to a global nuclear catastrophe.”

Russia: Maybe, if they are driven to “madness”, by the Zionists, anything can happen, the problem is that there are many “Jews” living in Russia, but embracing Judaism. The real problem are the olichargs (almost all of them have dual citizenship Russia/Israel), but many left already after Putin became President and fled to the UK. This shines a new light on the Skripall case.

Iran: For sure, if they can, together alligned with Lebanon (Hezbollah), Turkey and maybe back-up from China!

The point is that it can and most likely will be resulting in a Nuclear war and if all the Christian Zionists and other religious people like the Jews, Moslims read their Bible/Torah/Koran, carefully it’s all predicted. Or “read between the lines”, this is the aim of the “deep-state”, since many years.


The term Yinon Plan refers to an article published in February 1982 in the Hebrew journal Kivunim (“Directions”) entitled ‘A Strategy for Israel in the 1980s’. Kivunim was a quarterly periodical dedicated to the study of Judaism and Zionismwhich appeared between 1978 and 1987,and was published by the World Zionist Organization’s department of Information in Jerusalem. The article was penned by Oded Yinon, reputedly a former advisor to Ariel Sharon, a former senior official with the Israeli Foreign Ministry[and journalist for The Jerusalem Post

Read more, the whole plan:

It is cited as an early example of characterizing political projects in the Middle East in terms of a logic of sectarian divisions.[11] It has played a role in both conflict resolution analysis by scholars who regard it as having influenced the formulation of policies adopted by the American administration under George W. Bush,[12] and also in conspiracy theories according to which the article either predicted or planned major political events in the Middle East since the 1980s, including the 2003 invasion of Iraq and the overthrowing of Saddam Hussein, the Syrian Civil War and the rise of the Islamic State. The claim has been made that Yinon’s article was adopted by members of the Institute for Zionist Strategiesin the American administration until it was putatively taken up as a way to further American interests in the Middle East, as well as achieving the Jewish dream of a state “from the brook of Egypt to the Euphrates”, encompassing the majority of the Middle East, as written in the Hebrew Bible

So the big questions is: WHO IS GOING TO STOP THEM? In other words, who is going to save the world and mankind from war, nuclear war and disaster!?

https://freesuriyah.eu/?p=1622 ,
https://www.fort-russ.com/2019/03/dugin-israel-brings-armageddon-closer-trumps-declaration-on-golan-heights-bodes-dangerously/ , Twitter, new Horizion conference Iran, Conference Beirout (GCP) 2018, Wikipedia, YouTube.


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