Anti-Semitism is not Anti-Zionism and not Anti-Judaism

Picture: Sonja van den Ende, Beirout, Lebanon, NGO Global Return to Palestine – 2018.
The Statement of Neturei Karta International Jews Against Zionism, the head Rabbi Yisroel Dovid Weiss
Authentic Jewry never recognized the EXISTENCE OF THE STATE OF ISRAEL, let alone Jerusalem as its capital, Rabbi Yisroel Dovid Weiss expressed in the interview, this is what he had to say:
Zionism, the movement that created the State of Israel, is the complete opposite of traditional Jewish belief. Judaism is subservience to the Almighty, while Zionism is a total transformation into nationalism, Ever since the destruction of the Jewish Temple, 2000 years ago, Jews have been in exile by Divine degree and are forbidden to establish a sovereign state of their own, or ta wage war against any nation; they are certainly forbidden to kill others or take the land of another people. The occupation of Palestine, the murder and expulsion of its people, and the oppression of those remaining are in total violation of the Jewish religion and traditional Jewish values. Read more:

A hot topic these days, leaders of the so-called “free – democratic” Western World are tireless telling their “national subjects” that anti-Semitism equals anti-Zionism.

First the explanation what is anti-Semitism

Anti-Semite literally means someone who is against Semites.

The term Semite refers in a neutral sense to someone who is part of one of the many classical and contemporary Semitic-speaking peoples who lived / live in the present Middle East, Eritrea, Ethiopia and Northern Somalia. The term was introduced in 1781 by the German historian August Ludwig Schlözer. He was referring to Sem (Hebrew: Shem), one of the three sons of Noah. According to the Volkerentafel of Genesis, Sem in turn got five sons, whose families would have grown into peoples who spread across the earth.

In ancient times, many tribes in the Middle East relied on descent from Shem. The scientific use of the term, however, relates to the language group, and by extension to cultural and ethnic groups. According to contemporary insights, which start from a strong interdependence between language use and culture, Semite is also valid for ethnic and cultural descriptions. The word “Semite” can therefore refer to every person who belongs to the ancient peoples of the Middle East, such as Arameans, Akkadians, Phoenicians, Hebrews, Arabs and their descendants.

The Zionists invented this term, exclusively for the decendants of the Isralietes or Hebrews, a weapon as justification.

The term was first used in (extensively) in Russia, during the Communist rule. Because, 70% of the Bolsheviks were from Jewish decent, one should distinguish between ordinary Jews and Zionist/Bolsheviks, the last two groups were without religion and they replaced the Orthodox Church and Synagoge in Russia with Communism or, as I rather call it Bolshevisme. After Stalin it became more like Socialism and gained it’s true meaning of Communism.

So, the Bolsheviks, under Stalin (mis) used the term anti-Semitisme, because as I said before 70% of them were Jews. The autonomous Russians knew this, most of them were peasants, they got treated very badly and many were send to the Gulag’s. Alexander Solzhenitsyn wrote his famous books about the Gulag, but moreover, about: Two hundred years together (2001-2002). German translation: Zweihundert Jahre zusammen. The Russian-Jewish Geschichte 1795-1916 (first part, 2002) and Zweihundert Jahre zusammen. The Juden in the Soviet Union (second part, 2003), which is only available in German and very expensive. It describe’s the history of the Jewish people in Russia and the rule or regime of the Bolsheviks. A bad part of history in Russia, but hardly mentioned in Western countries anymore. Anyway, the term anti-Semite, became very popular, like nowadays, maybe the last remains of the Bolsheviks?

Conclusion anti-Semitism: If you accuse someone that he or she is an anti-Semite, he or she is not only against Jews, but also against Arabs and any other people / descent, as described above. This term is exclusively used by the media, politics and Zionist for their own purposes.

Anti-Semitic, White Army propaganda poster of Trotsky / Photo: Wikimedia Commons


I want to make a distinction between Judaism and Israel. Judaism is a religion, which can be practised everywhere, Israel is a state, who claimed Judaism and therefore, not a secular state, or democracy. In a discussion, a while ago during a debate with the head of the Zionists in the Netherlands. I tried to explained this issue, the answer from the Zionist was that the Torah is connected to the state of Israel and Judaism. Which is not the definition of a secular state.

So Israel pretends to be a democracy, the only one in the Middle East, it says, but actually it is a state founded on Zionism, without separation of church (Synagogue) and state, which uses Judaism for justification. Where there is no room for different religions or seculars.


Zionism literally means the Jews aspirations towards their own state. The name refers to Zion, one of the Jerusalem hills. The term Zionism is first mentioned in the journal Selbstemanzipation (1890) by N. Birnbaum. The two pillars of the movement are:

The Jewish diaspora And the failure of the emancipation of the Jews in the 19th century.
Theodor Herzl, born in Budapest, gave the impetus to organized Zionism in 1896 with his pamphlet “Der Judenstaat”. In 1897 he convened the first International Zionist Congress in Basel. There would be five more congresses until 1902, which resulted in the foundation of the World Zionist Organization

Political Zionism arose in 19th century in Europe among secular Jews, and came mainly from the view that the emancipation of Jews in Europe failed because they had no state of their own, and also because of their different position in society.

Cultural Zionism, which often coincided with political Zionism, wanted to preserve and strengthen the Hebrew language and Jewish culture, which was threatened by the far-reaching assimilation of Jews in Western Europe in particular.

Socialist Zionism dominated from the 1920s to the 70s of the 20th century in Region of Palestine. which is now called Israel by the Western world.

The Zionist Story, an independent film by Ronen Berelovich, is the story of ethnic cleansing, colonialism and apartheid to produce a demographically Jewish State.

By 1967 it has become a determining factor in the politics of Israel. Together with the secular revisionist Zionists (a demerger from the 1920s), they strove for a larger territory for their state: religious Zionism, almost identical to what is known as modern Orthodox Judaism, combines a liberal interpretation of orthodox Judaism with Zionism.

What we now have in Israel is therefore religious Zionism, with the exclusivity of the right to exist and the exclusive right of the Jews in the state of Israel, they see themselves as the “God’s chosen people”were there is no room for others, this equals a non-democratic and non-secular state.

This is the current situation , where the head of the Zionists of the Netherlands, during the debate reffered to. The ideal of the kibbutz, as many Dutchmen/Europeans might have experienced in the seventies and eighties of the last century is no longer, this was under socialist Zionism, the rulers of Israel are no Socialist anymore.


Zionism, the movement that created the State of Israel, is the complete opposite of traditional Jewish belief. Judaism is subservience to the Almighty, while Zionism is a total transformation into nationalism, Ever since the destruction of the Jewish Temple, 2000 years ago, Jews have been in exile by Divine degree and are forbidden to establish a sovereign state of their own, or wage war against any nation; they are certainly forbidden to kill others or take the land of another people. The occupation of Palestine, the murder and expulsion of its people, and the oppression of those remaining are in total violation of the Jewish religion and traditional Jewish values.

The Zionist occupation of Palestine in 1948 brought devastation and suffering to both Arabs and Jews, who had until then lived together in peace and harmony. The expansion of this occupation in 1967, and the establishment of the settlements is an increased rebellion against God’s Toray, and has escalated the hatred and bloodshed in the region. (Rabbi Weiss).

In addition, the anti-Zionist Orthodox Jews for decades have been terribly oppressed, beaten and arrested by the Zionist regime. The most recent of which is their campaign to forcibly draft all of our (religous Judaist) community into their army and brutally suppress all voices of opposition.

The word anti-Semitism must simply be abolished, it is not exclusively for Israel to use it. It is negative and taken out of context. A REAL solution must be sought from/with various Western governments. The Western Governments misuses the word and mix Zionism with Semitism and Judaism. Which is and ugly propaganda tool and the cause of wars and misery.

Bron: Wikipedia, Rabbi Weiss, Freesuriyah Youtube


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