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The destruction of Homs 4-12-2018, Photo Claudius Lucassen
During my travels through Syria, I visted the city of Homs. Homs, the city, the west called the city of the revolution (MSM), I rather call it the city of terrorists, who destroyed large parts of the city.
As we entered the city, life seemed a little back to normal, but inside the city, we drove through al-Qusayr , the stronghold of Al-Queda and other terrorists groups, who were financed by the US and a lot of European countries, among them the Netherlands.
Video taken in Homs, when visiting the Christian part of the city, thanks to Mazen Zody, how showed us Homs and was our guide, he is a reporter and owns an Internet TV station. Homs 4-12-2018
The siege of Homs, by the terrorists
So-called anti-government protests, largely financed by European countries and the US (Soros and the Deep-State weapon industry, both in the US, France and Germany) began in March 2011, clashes between security forces and so-called protestors (again financed by the west) in Homs intensified in April, the same year. In early May 2011, the Syrian military conducted a crackdown against anti-government protesters , which the people in Syria call criminals and terrorists, in Homs.
By September, according to the regular MSM: bloodshed in Homs between Alawites and Sunnis played a larger role in Homs than in the rest of Syria, according to the Western MSM, but walking through Homs and speaking to the people, it was not the case, it was a build-up between terrorists and the local Syrian people of Homs, I spoke to Moslims, Christians alike.
In October 2011, a so called Free Syrian Army brigade, was set-up and sponsored by the US and it’s western allies, but failed to succeed, the so called FSA, consisting they said of defected army officers (which was only a minor group) repeatedly ambushed government’s security forces around the Baba Amr neighbourhood of Homs. Again the west is spreading these info, through their western media outlets.
Homs, Syria’s third largest city, has been the scene of heavy fighting. It was called by the Western Media and politicians the “capital of the revolution” , based on huge lies, the Western media said in 2011: residents embraced the call to overthrow the president. The majority of the country, which also applies to Homs, loves their President and the sovereignty of Syria, only a small part collaborated with the terrorists groups. Due to the propaganda machine and sponsoring again from the Western power Homs was captured and tortured by the terrorists, Christians and Moslims alike were slaughterd by the these fanatics groups. However, government forces gradually took back areas in May 2014, the city was fully regained by the Syrian Arab Army.
The Syrian Army launched an offensive, in February 2012, against Baba Amr ( part of Homs with the most terrorist), shelling the entire district and blocking all supply routes. In early March, government forces launched a ground assault into Baba Amr, forcing the terrorist to withdraw from the neighborhood.
The shelling of Baba Amr and also applying for al-Quasayr, was an operation against the terrorists, who were hiding in the houses of the residents, who by then, after a warning from the Syrian Army, fled their houses. Meaning the resident who remained, which were not many, the terrorist ruled with an Iron fist, with priniciples of the Sharia and according to the local resident of Homs, not a religion, but an idiology misusing the Quran and Islam.
As I could see walking through the neighborhood of al-Quasayr and the old city, the majority of the houses were destroyed by rockets, grenades and heavy artillery, which was used by the terrorist If you look carefully at the pictures below, you see no craters of which they called barrel-bombs in the West. Of course, I will not pretend that it didn’t happen, but not on a large scale and always with a warning. In every war there are casulties among the population and very regrettable, but this war, was a war of terrorist, sponsored by the US and EU countries like the Netherlands, a murder on the Syrian people, which is unforgivable. The perputrators, the head of States and governments, which approved of funding these terrorists groups, ought to be trialed and repay the damage morally and financially to the Syrian people!
Pictures taken in Homs on 4-12-2018 by Claudius Lucassen
In early March 2013, government forces launched an assault into several terrorist-controlled neighborhoods, but the terrorist, reinforced by units that arrived from the nearby rebel-controlled town of al-Qusayr, managed to repel the attacks. In mid-March, terrorist attempted to retake Baba Amr, but were forced to pull back later in the month. In March and early April 2013, the Lebanese Hezbollah resistance and ally of the SAA, moved fully into the Homs fighting, in assistance to the Syrian Army. In late July, government forces captured the Khalidiya district.
In early May 2014, following an agreement reached between the government and the terrorist, they, the terrorist were allowed to evacuate from the city, leaving Homs under full government control, many of them, considered by the Western governments as opposition and funded by them, migrated to Europe. At the terrorists strongholds in the old-city and Al-Qusayr, you find imprinted invitations from the UN Migration office, inviting these terrorist to come to Europe, wich they did in 2015.

In this neighborhood We Suffered We went through difficult times and fled our homes Today, we may still suffer difficult times Remain, but we are HOLDING ON TO OUR LAND.. Believing the sun will rise agian Promising ourselves To always go on!Christmas in Homs
Source: residents of Homs, Photograpy: Claudius Lucassen
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