First he dreamed about the Golan Heights, occupied by Zionist Israel, he declared it to be part of the State of Israel, although it’s occupied and according to UN resolutions Israel should withdrawl.
Then he dreamed about the West Bank, before the general elections in Israel and now, because of his failure to form a government, his expansion dreams are focussed on the Jordan Valley .
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Monday said he discussed with US President Donald Trump the possibility of annexing the Jordan Valley and appeared to suggest Washington was not against the step, which is strongly opposed by the international community and in particular neighboring Jordan.
At a groundbreaking ceremony for 12 new factories to be built in Ashkelon’s industrial zone, Netanyahu said there were “historic opportunities” that must be seized, and called on rival Blue and White leader Benny Gantz to join a unity government that would advance the bid.
With a president of Nethayanu, there will be no peace in the region, not with the Palestinians and not with it’s neighbours. He is trying to implement the Yinon plan.
To the perpetual Israeli goals of weakening and destabilising Arab and Muslim states must be added the objective of acquiring more land for the state through territorial conquest, a notable example of which was the annexation of Syria’s Golan Heights in 1981 after it had been taken by the Israeli Defence Force during the war of 1967. The conflict of 1967 was a war of conquest prosecuted by right-wing ‘hawks’ who had seized control of prime minister Levi Eshkol’s cabinet with the aim of completing the task of acquiring land which had not been taken from the Arabs during the War of 1948. One of the most important aspects of this reach for ‘Greater Israel’, in which Israel conquered territory that tripled its size, was the desire to capture Jerusalem. The war of 1948, while often posited in Zionist historiography as a defensive war, had been waged to seize as much land as could be taken in excess of what had been provided under the vitiated United Nations Partition Plan. An important part of that campaign was Plan Dalet, which sought to expel Arabs from key areas so as to ensure a Jewish majority in all territories which would be controlled by the nascent Jewish state.

A warning was delivered in 1917, at the height of World War I by the British Admiralty to its political overlords.
America’s resources of manpower and martial machinery were needed to tip the balance. But just as would be the prelude to US intervention in the Second World War, the Americans, for long heeding of the advice given by their Founding Fathers, were wary of getting into “foreign entanglements”.
This is where the leaders of world Zionism came in.
It was a simple bargain: If Jewish leaders such as Chaim Weizmann could call on the Jewish Diaspora in America to use their influence to bring the United States into the war to rescue a desperate situation, then Britain would do what it could to help bring to fruition the Zionist dream of a Jewish state in Palestine.

That the Arabs of Palestine, lived for centuries , in the towns Al-Quds, Ramallah , and other cities on the land of the Zionists, as they refer to it as Eretz Yisrael, have been subjected to dispossession and occupation while been continually denied a state of their own is surely evidence that Balfour’s condition has not been met.
The Jews created a nation in Palestine, but that created an inevitable injustice against its Arab Muslim and Christian inhabitants, called the Palestinians.
The expansion dreams of the Zionist should be stopped, they are the main problem of many wars raging in the Middle East.
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