Photo: Sonja van den Ende. A child and it’s mother looking in the rubble, for materials or food, Homs, Syria, December 2018.
The Dutch government always supported the actions by the US – deep-state, which resulted in inhumane suffering and wars, like in Homs. The Netherlands has send so-called Non-Lethal-Aid to Syria, which turned out to be Lethal.
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Much has been written already, by me and others, about the involvement of the Dutch government in the war in Syria, like they did in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, former Yugoslavia and many more countries, right now Venezuela…But I would like to focus on the war in Syria. A bloody conflict, where many lives were lost, innocent man, women and children died. Young soldiers died, who were just protecting their only homeland they have Syria!
Since september 2018, the Dutch government is under fire, for behaving in violation with the International Law, being quilty of waging war on a sovereign state and due to that, quilty of killing thousands of people in Syria.
Applicability to states and individuals according to International Law
The law of war is binding not only upon States as such but also upon individuals and, in particular, the members of their armed forces. Parties are bound by the laws of war to the extent that such compliance does not interfere with achieving legitimate military goals. For example, they are obliged to make every effort to avoid damaging people and property not involved in combat or the war effort, but they are not guilty of a war crime if a bomb mistakenly or incidentally hits a residential area.
By the same token, combatants that intentionally use protected people or property as human shields or camouflage are guilty of violations of the laws of war and are responsible for damage to those that should be protected. The use of contracted combatants in warfare has been an especially tricky situation for the laws of war. Some scholars claim that private security contractors appear so similar to state forces that it is unclear if acts of war are taking place by private or public agents
European democracies tend to support broad, universalistic interpretations of international law, but have differing views on international law. Take a flexible, eclectic approach, recognizing aspects of international law such as territorial rights as universal, regarding other aspects as arising from treaty or custom, and viewing certain aspects as not being subjects of international law at all. Democracies in the developing world, due to their past colonial histories, often insist on non-interference in their internal affairs, particularly regarding human rights standards or their peculiar institutions, but often strongly support international law at the bilateral and multilateral levels, such as in the United Nations, and especially regarding the use of force, disarmament obligations, and the terms of the UN Charter.
There was an inquiry or hearing on September 27th, 2018, in the parliament. Wich resulted into a debate:
It was a shamefull debate, with sectarian issues, Kurdish versus Turks, the only thing that was established that the Dutch government gave, what they called Non Lethal Aid (NLA programme), to the so-called Syrian rebels, which turned out to be “fake”, they willingly and knowingly supported the terrorists in Syria, especcially the Levant Front. Paid their salaries, gave them Toyota pick-up’s, for what they still call Non-Lethal-Aid.
The Levant Front , Jabhat al-Shamiyah, also translated as the Sham Front or the Levantine Front) is being called a Syrian rebel group based around Aleppo involved in the Syrian War It was formed in December 2014. The Netherlands public prosecutor has declared it to be a terrorist organisation in 2018, despite the Dutch government having earlier provided it with support, four years of killing people and the Netherlands didn’t know? This ist just one group, there are twenty-one others who were financed and equipped, ready to kill innocent Syrian.

The Nour al-Din al-Zenki Movement was part of the Levant Front, there you have already terrorist group number two. The group who beheaded a young twelve year old boy from Handarat Camp (Syrian-Palestinian), do we still remember? https://freesuriyah.eu/?p=308
According to a Dutch (regular MSM) journalist (Hans Jaap Melissen), who at first, lied many years about the conflict or was spreading the Dutch MSM propaganda, said he could read in the “state-secret” documents that the Pick-up-trucks who were delivered, were to be used at the BATTLEFIELD, the whole NLA programme is a bundle of lies, a cover up, for war, which they were fighting in Syria, together with nearly all the western countries and the US (the biggest warmonger). Also, according to a very famous lawyer in the Netherlands, Gert-Jan Knoops, the Netherlands was illegally sending NLA equipment, without a licence and according to International Law, quilty of committing crimes against a sovereign government, namely the Syrian Arab Republic.
Recently a Russia Today team made an appealing and shocking documentary called: Where Childhood Died All these long years among many other countries, the Dutch Government sponsored the groups in Syria, children played soccer with “HEADS” of the victims, which ISIS and other terror groups supported, children digging Tunnels, so the terrorists could attack the SAA. The enemy of the west: the common Syrian people, who stood behind their country, government, President and send their best boys and girls to fight the western sponsored mercenaries, who were ready to kill on a large scale in 2015, when they were unleashed by the US, after many of them being trained in Camp Bucca and provided with lethal weapons from the US and NATO. https://freesuriyah.eu/?p=1389
During the war in Syria, children in areas controlled by Islamist groups were involuntarily recruited as fighters and forced to witness barbaric executions. The Syrian Army has now taken back control, but these children are still haunted by what they saw, what was done to them, and the brainwashing they received. ISIS taught a six-year-old girl to handle weapons and an eleven year old boy had to dig tunnels and fight for Jaish Al Islam, who also turned a teenager into a sniper and then tortured him in prison. A little boy beheads his sister’s doll. In “Where Childhood Died”, child fighters go back to the tunnels they fought from, while their families, a teacher and a child psychologist talk about the ongoing emotional damage to children, and their attempts to repair it. RT

A lot more of work and research needs to be done and will be done in coming months or years, to make the quilty ones, among them members of the current government of the Netherlands, like prime-minister Rutte, but also former ministers of foreign affairs, like Bert Koenders and Uri Rosenthal, being prosecuted and trialed, preferably by an independent tribunal.
Bron: https://eenvandaag.avrotros.nl/item/nederland-omzeilde-regels-voor-wapenexport-naar-syrie/, Youtube, RT, Freesuriyah, Gert Jan Knoops.